in Search Engine Optimization by Jeffrey_Smith

What can you do to defend yourself against shifts in search engine rankings algorithm? The answer, hedge your websites odds by optimizing multiple semantic clusters of keywords to eliminate dependency on a narrow range of phrases.

Relevance and Retrieval

Relevance and Retrieval

In the time it takes you to capture a phrase with 300,000 or more competing pages, you could have funneled traffic from dozens of keywords from the long-tail of search. Capture enough phrases like this, and you create a virtual cornucopia of content worthy of retrieval from search engines through developing domain authority.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is all about relevance. Typically,the process involves an understanding of how keyword relate to other relevant pages hat exist within the site. Content is scalable, as a result, so are rankings.

While it is second nature to skim the surface of keyword research, semantic optimization of the baseline an entire array of phrases if often much easier than the time it would take you to capture one single competitive ranking. Understanding the threshold (your SEO ceiling) is also important to note that you deliberately target keywords within your reach instead of diffusing your websites theme.

Continuity between the keywords elected for SEO and positioning must coincide by creating topical pools of information that exist as destinations or hubs to more useful information and resources.

Search engines reward unique, well written content, news, or mashups that link out to various resources (if the text to link ratio is balanced) as well as pages with trust and authority.

Anything you do in the name of SEO should be aimed at acquiring relative keyword targets that allow you to track and measure the landscape to determine its impact on conversion. It is no secret that search engines constantly cache and compress data, so, seeing hordes of traffic one week for specific phrases and seeing them trickle down to a fragment of the volume the following week is not uncommon.

Hedging your website through investing in ranking multiple pages to promote buoyancy for multiple keywords is one way to ensure that your relevance score is evolving faster than your competition.

Just as we must learn to master the known influences that denote if I mix elements A and B, that C is impacted in the following fashion. We must also test the gap to see what emerges that was unintentional or not deliberately produced as a by-product.

The following document is an excellent resource I located which goes into great detail about Semantic Concept-Based Query Expansion and Re-ranking for Multimedia Retrieval to provide a broader spectrum of detail in how search engines interpret our content.

By understanding these cues (the way search engines process results), it prepares us to delve further into practical SEO solutions and see beyond traditional baseline retrieval based on semantics when sculpting our content for optimal information retrieval.

It’s official, universal search is here, so in case your wondering how search engines are bridging the gap (to determine who gets bumped) then the paper above is an absolute must-read document.

About Jeffrey_Smith

In 2006, Jeffrey Smith founded SEO Design Solutions (An SEO Provider who now develops SEO Software for WordPress).

Jeffrey has actively been involved in internet marketing since 1995 and brings a wealth of collective experiences and marketing strategies to increase rankings, revenue and reach.

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