In case you were wondering how to systematically achieve saturation for multiple keywords for your website in search engines (instead of just a few) using SEO, then this is a must read post. This tactic is specifically designed to work in Google using the allinanchor / keyword relevance ratio to back links pointing at your site.
This is the point where the competition gets nervous as a tactic like this could go viral with just one post from a popular Stumbler, Digg or otherwise. I will leave that at your discretion to cast your vote, but this is not the first time where I should have simply shut up, but I thought I would leave you with some good reading material for the weekend.
As an SEO company involved in this illustrious industry, I feel like we owe those sincere seekers who yearn for legitimate SEO techniques and only find dozens of sites with shallow posts, vague references and theory. I don’t mind sharing a few tactics here and there about keyword optimization, as the tendency to create, test and implement them typically happens faster than I can write them down.
This post in essence serves as a web-log of a fundamental technique, that we have used time and time again to bolster multiple top 10 positions in search engines. Naturally, we have to hold back something, otherwise we would make the SEO community obsolete, but in any case, these tactics are what we use when targeting an entire industry for long tail search engine domination, they can also be used for more aggressive/competitive terms by using this tactic.
But, in the even that you wish to rank in the top 10 for a result that has 1.2 – 1.8 million results, you can essentially pick them off like flies using just a fragment of this technique. The terms we consider worthy are usually the ones that takes months to acquire. So, don’t build links to fast from off topic locations, it’s better to focus on quality vs. quantity, however having a diverse base of IP addresses to use is ideal (such as an article marketing resource box that you can moderate) Hmmmmm.
The exercise:
1. First start off by writing down every possible singular keyword that pertains to your industry. From there narrow it down to the top 20-30 terms.
You could also just use a keyword discovery tool, but in this instance, think like a consumer trying to reach your site. The reason is, many of the search terms used to reach your site are unique and do not fall into realm of showing up on the “keyword radar”, so common sense can equal conversion if you pick the right phrase and beat your competition to the punch.
2. Then after you have a list of 20-30, start combining two word combinations strategically using the premise of how you think someone may type a query into a search engine.
web page optimization, optimize my website, how do I SEO my site, etc… come up with your wild card list of key phrases which you can have fun with later, since if you optimize your site for one group of keywords ALL OF THE KEYWORDS in the anchor text get a boost. So even though you may be building links using exact match, you still get the benefit of each individual word in Google.
3. After you have your list of 30 singular, 20 two-word combinations and 10 or so three-word combinations (just seeing if you were paying attention, since I didn’t say anything about the 3 word combinations) take each of the two and three word combinations, place the phrases “in quotes” and enter them in a standard Google search query one at a time.
Look at the results of the keywords in quotes and this will give you a good indication of the allinanchor and allintitle relevance by using the quotes. Usually if you do this, you can remove the quotes and 90% of the sites remain the same. Without quotes it may be 1-10 of 2,000,000 results, with “the quotes” it may show 1-10 of 20,000. It is the term in quotes you want to look at in order to gain a metric on the competitiveness of this key phrase.
Also, the more words you add, the easier it is to optimize, even if the chronology of the words does not make sense, you are still optimizing your site for any combination of keywords that are contained in the anchor text. In case it’s a new term, this is anchor text, so use it wisely as it is your number 1 tool for developing links, relevance and rankings (for now at least) in Google.
Getting back to the exercise, if the term comes back with under 100,000 results then move it into your to do list of links to build as a likely target for your SEO. Granted that this is merely one tactic, feel free to combine it with your own methods. Now, without giving away too many secrets, you will be responsible for finding ways to build links.
Not just any links, but links that allow you to have control over the anchor text (the text in the link). Use these terms to whittle away at the root phrases building 100 links per keyword combination, then run analytics software of check out Niche Watch and see where you stand using a before and after methodology.
Every site is different, but say for example you have a PR6 site, you can skip most of these tactics and just put a keyword in your title tag, mention it a few times, build links from your own site to itself and dominate the SERPs. However, since we know that you are going to be challenging websites such as those in the SERPs as you step over them in concentration for allinanchor relevance as you specifically augment your site by fortifying it with keyword combinations, you can actually surpass a lazy or passive higher page rank site in this fashion.
Our site for example can chip away and rise approximately 100,000 results per month for competitive terms using moderate link building methods (1000-2000 quality inbound links per month for example), so if we were going after a super competitive keyword such as “SEO Company” for example with it’s 1.4 million results, it would take roughly 1 year to build links to get to the top 10 using this tactic.
Each site is different as the authority that results from each link varies. The point here is, each website has a link velocity ratio that is consistent with how aggressively it can move up the rungs until it arrives in the top 10 search results for a keyword “in quotes”.
If you wanted to find out where you stand for the keyword in advance, you could always click your url first, then use the search command to get to the 100 results per page stripped down Google interface. From there (since you have clicked your link in advance) you can put the keyword in question “in quotes”, hit return and find out where you stand.
If you are position #200 for example and you are building links for every word that comprises the phrase (services SEO, SEO Services, Search engine Optimization Services, Engine Optimization SEO, etc.) then you should see your ranking move up and up closer to the top 10 for a number of terms.
When it hits the top 10 for the allinanchor: terms, if the keyword is not being challenged directly by another competitor your site should hit the top 10 as well. If there is competition you should be in the top 30 or top 20 results and you will have to figure out which other SEO factor is holding you back from there.
If you wanted to be more specific and chart your progress, you can find the link to link velocity ratio to determine how many links or how much time it will take you to crack into the top 10 for each of the respective search terms. Or you could find the best page for each link using the Google command keyword, to increase the links per page (LPP ratio) as a deep linking strategy to increase the impact of each link (don’t forget to socially bookmark them as well for an added boost).
This is how you get your rankings to spread out to other terms. *If you use exact match terms for two word key phrases, then you can see the results usually within a week. The idea is, start with three words, when you see them moving, then alternate one of the keywords with another word from your list from before. So you can rank for keyword keyword company, keyword keyword services, keyword keyword professional, etc.
Examples like SEO Marketing Consultant, SEO Website Marketing, Internet SEO Marketing, etc… this will become apparent later just how effective this tactic can be for blanketing a plethora of terms.
Then you focus specifically on the phrase you want to rank for, create a custom page using a keyword density tool or writing copy that utilizes the phrase one time in the title, one time in the h1 tag, one to 3 times in the document and continue to build links to that page with those keywords in the anchor text. This is the advantage of having a blog as you can camouflage your link building tactics under the guise of an informative post. I will just hint at SEO content copy writing here, but you get the gist (link bait, social media, social bookmarking / link building ahem, ahem).
My suggestion, build 50 links to the page and move on to another term. Then give it a week or two and go back and check the status of the keywords and how your allinanchor:, allintitle: and allintext: ratio’s are performing is contrast to the keyword combinations, make note of your progress and try to find your site in the SERPs again. You can go back to the Google interface and check or you can just scroll through the normal results to see where you stand.
If the keywords you select are under 20,000 results, if your site has some authority you can take those over from just posting an on topic post that is tagged properly in your blog. But to sustain them, you have to feed the pages keyword combinations to keep them afloat in the SERPs. This also provides a cushion around them to help fend off competition from leap-frogging past you up the ladder.
Acquisition (climbing the rungs) and defense from others can be done through varying the tactic slightly. Slow down once you have acquired a top 20 and let the link velocity push you up the ladder. Then you can build 1/3 of the links using the exact match terms until you hit the top 10. If you crack the top 10, then go back, add a few more occurrences of the keywords you want to rank for in your document/page. Add a few more links, wait a week and then see if that pushes you over the hump into the top 5.
This method may seem a bit chaotic, but you get the gist, you can manage one keyword or several at the same time. The key is to use a common denominator as the pivotal term that is used to tie together all of the variations of the word stemmed singular, plural and adjective based keyword combinations until you have effectively saturated each keywords density in the external links to your site.
You can always check on Google Webmaster tools which keywords have the highest occurrences that are directed at your site. The idea is, to build a base term, add a qualifier, then do this again and again, until all of your main keywords are essentially lodged in the anchor text pointing at your site from a wide variety of unique and Class C- IP addresses.
For example if you did a search on a term like “seo professional” this term returns 126,000 results. If your site has a PR4 for example and you have content that supports this type of industry of jargon in your domain name, on your pages or in your page titles, you should already have some leverage for the term.
Terms that have slight correlation to your site’s theme can be optimized, but the rate of which all depends on your website authority, the links you use and how much link juice they carry, where you point them, the competition and how algorithms see your link building techniques (natural or unnatural) if you invoke a penalty, you will not rank for that term for a while until it’s lifted, so it’s better not to get greedy and vary your titles, anchor text and pages when deep linking.
I hope you found this information useful, if you did, then cast your vote to share it, sign up for the RSS feed or just enjoy…See you in the SERPs.

Is it possible to rank 1st for a single keyword, that is popular?…
Absolutely, it just takes time. The more competitive, the longer it takes to gain the degree of authority and citation from other sites to produce the proper signals.
From your suggestion i understood the concept of how to get multiple keyword ranking, sorry but i exactly want to know that how to on-page and off-page concept in multiple keyword ranking
Great information!Getting rank with a specific keyword is a difficult job especially for those keyword where there is a lot of competition going on. However, if you found keywords which you really rank for unknowingly, you should find ways to optimize it more than concentrating on those keywords which rank is low. All I am saying is work more on your strength.. Something like that.
I am new to seo and would like to know a few facts if you would kindly tell me
how do you link each link together as im told there is a certain way of doing it and where do you add the keyword and where do you add the achuall link
I am building a new site and if any one wants to help with the SEO im willing to let go equity I have taught ym self seo to a point just need to master buiding the links together
Please get in touch with me on [email protected]
Very detailed look at SEO. The topic is so wide and vast. I learn something new everytime I dig into the subject.
Hi!anyone advice how to optimize website for multiple countries.
When I initially commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get four emails with the same comment.
Is there any way you can remove me from that service?
Appreciate it!