What if you have a page in your website and for whatever reason it is completely ignored by search engines? What actionable intelligence can you use to employ as a strategy or which SEO technique can you implement to put that page on the map? The following tactic is capable of correcting (1) orphaned pages and (2) establishing a pages purpose into a strategic pecking order.

SEO Tips to Improve Your SEO Score
Search engines are looking for signals, something that is so clear cut and obvious that it leaves little room for error. Each character on your page in a website has a particular value, that value has a weight which can be translated into a tangible ranking factor.
There are multiple ways to quantify these ranking factors and by using the search operators of allinanchor, allintitle, allintext thresholds is one way, or by assessing the competition in that space to see how solid their grasp of SEO is.
In a nutshell search engines like three things (1) structure (2) a coherent leader or primary focal point (such as a landing page as a champion) and (3) links (both internal and external). Pages just don’t rank themselves; they need help in crossing the tipping point of relevance.
To create topical areas within your website that have the ability to rank independently, you should understand the value of deep links (links to that page), relevant and focused titles (to isolate and distinguish a page from others) and whether or not the page is a supporting page or a primary landing page.
When you think about it, it’s quite simple, search engines reward unique content and if the only unique thing on your pages is a slight variation of text, similar meta tags or a paragraph of difference, in the eyes of that search engines, it’s virtually the same page.
Duplicate content across multiple pages in your own website is the fastest way to get on the ignored list from search engines. Another thing to be careful of Linking out to other sites from places like the sidebar or footer which is a known area for paid links as well as not linking to your own pages internally with relevant anchor text (to reinforce support).
From the standpoint of a preliminary sweep, each page in your website should:
1) Be able to be reached from two clicks from the homepage. From one area of navigation, link or graphic.
2) Have a text to code ratio that exceeds your template (typically 250-300 unique words will suffice) meaning if you have the word on the page twice, it only counts as one word.
3) Have a unique purpose, description (which serves to entice readers) as well as summarizes what that page is about.
4) At least 3-5 links from other websites in order to cement co-occurrence and make that page a candidate to groom for future ranking factors.
5) Use relevant anchor text (the text in the link) to link contextually from all supporting pages to the preferred landing page.
If you can manage to separate a pages context from similar pages in the site, this may require you to rewrite the page, build some internal links or build deep links to that page. You can them see which portions of the page acquire ranking factor first.
My suggestion is to scale results over time. A top 10 ranking is a top 10 ranking, and SEO is cumulative. So, if you start with keywords under 50,000 competing pages (just “place quotes around the keyword” in a Google search box) then you will have a greater success of creating traction for your website.
Even if that keyword that only gets 10 visits a week when you first create it, it will eventually stem and latter serve as a hub page as long as (a) it is indexed by being unique and (b) you continue to link to it of link from it to other related pages.
Once you have a top 10 ranking (even for a less competitive keyword) you are building momentum for a higher competitive threshold. It is through building your website up in the manner that topical authority and link weight occur which can catapult new pages to the top of search results when harnessed properly.
Target 100 keywords with less than 50,000 pages with content (article or blog posts), make sure they conform with the 5 steps above and them let them age and develop authority so they can be reassessed in a few months to see what ranking factor they contribute to your ultimate objective.
Eventually you will be able to target keywords with 200,000 competing pages with ease, then 500,000, 1,000,000,000 competing pages or even hundreds of millions of competing pages over time. This is the process of developing momentum and it is a crucial stage in any search engine optimization campaign.
Depending on how you assess where your website is, the existing pages that exist and where there is a need for supporting content (and how you implement it) determines what threshold or barrier to entry your website it up against. It is pointless to target a page with millions of competing pages, if your website does not possess the ranking factor to topple a less competitive benchmark.
You are never really competing with your competition for market share or rankings, just with your own relevance and SEO score per page. Once you understand this, you realize that 50% of the ranking factor is in your hands and the closer you get to the ideal score (the least common denominator or resistance) the less pages will stand in between your web pages and the top ranking results.

thanks for the great article,,i will follow the rules
Great post thanks..
I have been using a lot of tools. But your website seems to have a lot of in-depth information.
This is helping me optimise both the following websites
thanks for your article, i want to add one more thing. Today webmasters are more powerful than any one, if they know how to use resources and website under them. If a webmaster have more than 50 website they can do self seo and can easily get page rank more than 2-3. They just need to host their sites on different server with different ids. So if they link each site with each other these website get full points from these natural links..
Your point number 5 is so often over looked.
Great article.
very one of my site have 41% of smart viper scorces..
cool, sure this tricks will improve my pages seo score. Nice post.