in SEO by Jeffrey_Smith

Looking for ways to unleash your website in the search engines? Age and trust (in relation to pages) play a major role in rankings for SEO. In essence, the longer a page has been online and indexed in the search engine algorithm, the more leverage and value that page has to provide equity for other pages in your website.

Much like a scale, each pages has a relationship to the keywords that comprise them and are weighed accordingly by search engines. Pages that have a high concentration of continuity for specific keywords are initial candidates, but what is the missing ingredient that if added to the ranking formula unlocks a substantial quantity of that web pages full potential?; the answer, age and trust!

Just like an old friend, trust carries inherent value. If your website maintains a threshold for producing quality content, linking out to good sources and keeping adhering to best practices according to search engine guidelines has a distinguished effect, the ability to pass pages with less trust on the way to the top.

Websites which have gained a foothold in relation to a series of keywords (much like the trunk of a tree) can enjoy the benefits of those keywords stemming into various synonyms and related key phrases.

In this instance, the fertilizer is aged links from pages dripping with trust as well as seasoned referrals from within your own website. If you have a blog, this is the time where you want to dig through the archives (with purpose) to find pages with just the right amount of character.

What to Look for in a Page with Trust:

1) a page that ranks for multiple long-tail phrases that can be ball rolled to target a more competitive keyword.
2) pages that are at least 120 days old and have had a chance to ferment and etch their way into the spiders memory.
3) hub pages which attract a great deal of traffic or have a high number of inbound links (check your Google webmaster tools and Look at your websites’ internal link distribution).
4) pages that have age and a high concentration of external links (from other authority sites such as social media or social bookmarking sites).
5) pages that are already ranking for a keyword in the top 10.

Then, the idea is, as a landing page it’s great, but how can each page be utilized for maximum return?, by pulling up other pages into the ranking spotlight.

The premise is simple, identify a range of semantically related phrases (perhaps by using the Google keyword suggestion tool) for keyword ideas. Those keywords can either be used as anchor text for internal linking, tags or content for your website to build topical relevance.

Then, by cross pollinating the page with seasoned pages that have continuity, use our Ultimate Link Building Toolkit to find the ideal landing pages, you can then use them to link to the new preferred landing page.

This technique obviously works better if you are dealing with pages that have acquired some page rank, age, or authority, or pages that appear in your own Google backlink algorithm if you use the command in Google.

By linking from pages such as that, you are transferring something far more important than just a link, you are sending a clear signal that you have picked a digital successor for the keywords used in the anchor text.

By sculpting these factors, i.e. finding 10 solid pages with strong link flow and funneling them to one new landing page or a seasoned landing page, you can reinvigorate the algorithm to elevate new content into a dominant position. Just consider it as link osmosis in correlation to a practice called virtual theming.

The gist is, create enough solid inbound links from enough pages and your website through the virtue of its own merit can produces self sufficient SEO to catapult dormant pages into a vertical trajectory destined to intercept even the most seasoned pages that may have the jump on you in the SERPs (search engine result pages).

To take it one step further, you can (1) dig through your archives or use the command (2) run the page through a keyword density checker to glean the keywords with the highest co-occurrence for that page (3) use those keywords to find other related keyword targets using our SEO Tools, (4) Identify other pages you wish to rank and (5) use those pages in tandem either intuitively or using the Google Adwords Suggestion Tool for ideas to blanket a plethora of related keywords and phrases to link the series of documents.

Don’t say we never gave you anything, this strategy if harnessed properly can turn your website into its own wiki, depending on how deep you want to dig for co-occurring keywords on pages with age and authority.

Thanks for visiting the SEO Design Solutions Blog, where we share useful SEO tips, tactics and techniques that you can actually use to produce results. 

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About Jeffrey_Smith

In 2006, Jeffrey Smith founded SEO Design Solutions (An SEO Provider who now develops SEO Software for WordPress).

Jeffrey has actively been involved in internet marketing since 1995 and brings a wealth of collective experiences and marketing strategies to increase rankings, revenue and reach.

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